Sunday, May 29, 2011

A whole Week?

It's been a busy week at Cafe Woebegone.  I'm thinking that has to be true since it's been an entire week since I took time to do this. Oh, I did borrow a book and read it, finally,  The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. That's where the extra minutes went. I first borrowed Trish's copy at home, was in withdrawal at the store before the revelation. This is a book store!, and there is another copy on the shelves! and there you go, this week's literal staff pick. I have only a couple words about the book, get it, read it. We have one each hard or paper back for your choosing.

This morning we have a simple selection of Kiichli's bagels. I go there, all the way to Ken's Korner in outer Clinton, to Kiichli's Bagel bakery and I am completely overwhelmed. My simple input system can't process that many varieties of bagel. We do the hard part, narrowing the field. we have Cheddar-jalapeno, multigrain,  pumpernickel, cinnamon raisin, and plain for your simplified bagel life, cream cheese of course.

Trish has found another most excellent recipe and already we have people driving all the way from Freeland for more. Her Bacon-cheddar muffin is worth the trip.  Heated up they are a real treat and make one key leg of your daily food tripod.  Caffeine and sugar are in close supply and you are ready to do what needs to be done.

I'd be remiss if i did not mention pie, after all it is what's for breakfast. One or two lucky people get the last two pieces of cherry and Boysenberry waits in the wings.

And there are books, see you soon!

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